Class Button

  extended by mwt.Component
      extended by mwt.Button

public class Button
extends Component

A button is a component that can cause an action to happen when is pushed.

The action is determinated by the mwt.EventListener given during the button's creation:
 Button b = new Button(20, 4, 40, 30, "Press Me!", new EventListener() {
   public void processEvent(int eventType, Component c, Object[] args) {
 }, 0);

This works just fine, however, the java compiler creates a new class for each event listener implementation. When using a lot of buttons, the jar size will increase significally.

A solution is to group buttons' actions in the same event listener implementation:
 class MyCanvas extends Canvas implements EventListener {
   Window win = ...
   static final int NEW_GAME = 0;
   static final int OPTIONS = 1;
   static final int EXIT = 2;
   MyCanvas() {
     win.add(new Button(4, 4, 30, 20, "New Game", this, NEW_GAME));
     win.add(new Button(4,24, 30, 20, "Options",  this, OPTION));
     win.add(new Button(4,44, 30, 20, "Exit",     this, EXIT));
   public void processEvent(int eventType, Component c, Object[] args) {
     switch(eventType) {
       case EVENT_ACTION:
         Button b = (Button) c;
         switch(c.getActionType()) {
           case NEW_GAME: System.out.println("New Game pressed: " + c); break;
           case OPTIONS:  System.out.println("Options pressed: " + c); break;
           case EXIT:     System.out.println("Exit pressed: " + c); break;
       case EVENT_UNDEFINED: break; 

The component parameter is the button that is triggering the event, the args parameter is null.
See also mwt.EventListener.

A button's action is triggered when it has focus and its owner window reports a Window.FOCUSACTION_FIRE.
You can trigger the action programmatically also. See processAction().


A button has four different "styles", and for each one, a skin and a font.
When a button is created, a copy of the default skin and fonts is assigned.
You can set the default style using setDefaultSkin(int, Skin) and setDefaultFont(int, Font).
After the button is created, you can still change its style using setSkin(int, Skin) and setFont(int, Font).
The style value must be any of the STYLE_* constants:


Field Summary
static int STYLE_DEFAULT
          Constant value to get/set a skin/font.
          Constant value to get/set a skin/font.
static int STYLE_FOCUSED
          Constant value to get/set a skin/font.
static int STYLE_PRESSED
          Constant value to get/set a skin/font.
Fields inherited from class mwt.Component
Constructor Summary
Button(int x, int y, int width, int height, java.lang.String text, EventListener action, int actionType)
          Creates a new button at the given position and size
Method Summary
 void click()
          Performs a "click" programmatically.
 int getActionType()
          Gets the action type value given when this button was created.
static Font getDefaultFont(int style)
          Gets the default font for the given style.
static Skin getDefaultSkin(int style)
          Gets the default skin for the given style.
 Font getFont(int style)
          Gets this button font for the given style.
 Skin getSkin(int style)
          Gets this button skin for the given style.
 java.lang.String getText()
          Gets this button's text.
 int getTextAlign()
          Gets the text align.
protected  boolean keyEvent(long key, Window window)
          Processes a key event.
protected  void onClick()
          Method permormed when the event listener is null.
protected  void paint(javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics g, Window window)
          Paints this component.
 void processAction()
          Deprecated. use click() instead
static void setDefaultFont(int style, Font font)
          Sets the default font for the given style.
static void setDefaultSkin(int style, Skin skin)
          Sets the default skin for the given style.
 void setFont(int style, Font font)
          Sets this button font for the given style.
 void setSkin(int style, Skin skin)
          Sets this button skin for the given style.
 void setText(java.lang.String text)
          Sets this button's text.
 void setTextAlign(int textAlign)
          Sets the text align.
Methods inherited from class mwt.Component
acceptsFocus, add, add, focusGained, focusLost, getChild, getChild, getChild, getChildCount, getComponent, getComponentCount, getComponentIndex, getHeight, getId, getParent, getWidth, getX, getY, isContainer, isDoubleBuffered, isEnabled, isFocusable, isHierarchyEnabled, isHierarchyVisible, isVisible, paintChilds, remove, removeChild, setDoubleBuffered, setEnabled, setFocusable, setHeight, setId, setVisible, setWidth, setX, setY
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int STYLE_DEFAULT
Constant value to get/set a skin/font.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STYLE_FOCUSED
Constant value to get/set a skin/font.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STYLE_PRESSED
Constant value to get/set a skin/font.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STYLE_DISABLED
Constant value to get/set a skin/font.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public Button(int x,
              int y,
              int width,
              int height,
              java.lang.String text,
              EventListener action,
              int actionType)
Creates a new button at the given position and size

Method Detail


public static final Skin getDefaultSkin(int style)
Gets the default skin for the given style.


public static final void setDefaultSkin(int style,
                                        Skin skin)
Sets the default skin for the given style.


public static final Font getDefaultFont(int style)
Gets the default font for the given style.


public static final void setDefaultFont(int style,
                                        Font font)
Sets the default font for the given style.


public Skin getSkin(int style)
Gets this button skin for the given style.


public void setSkin(int style,
                    Skin skin)
Sets this button skin for the given style.


public Font getFont(int style)
Gets this button font for the given style.


public void setFont(int style,
                    Font font)
Sets this button font for the given style.


public java.lang.String getText()
Gets this button's text.


public void setText(java.lang.String text)
Sets this button's text.


public int getTextAlign()
Gets the text align. A Component ALIGN constant.


public void setTextAlign(int textAlign)
Sets the text align. A Component ALIGN constant.


protected void onClick()
Method permormed when the event listener is null. Default implementation is empty.



public final void click()
Performs a "click" programmatically.



public final int getActionType()
Gets the action type value given when this button was created.


public final void processAction()
Deprecated. use click() instead

Performs a "click" programmatically.


protected boolean keyEvent(long key,
                           Window window)
Description copied from class: Component
Processes a key event.

The higher 32 bits of the key parameter determines the type of this event.
1 for key pressed events.
0 for key released events.
Otherwise is a key repeated event, in such case, the value represents how long the key code was repeated. See also Keys.

The default implementation of this method returns false.
An implementation should return true if the key was consumed.

 protected void processKey(long key, Window window) {
        System.out.print("Keycode " + ((int) key));
  switch(key >> 32) {
        case 0: System.out.println(" released!"); break;
        case 1: System.out.println(" pressed!"); break;
        default: System.out.println(" repeated " + (key >> 32) + " times!"); break;
  if(window.processInput(key) == Window.FOCUSACTION_FIRE) ...
  // let the window dispatch the key
  if(...) window.dispatchKey(key);

keyEvent in class Component
key - the key
window - the window caller
true if the key was be consumed


protected void paint(javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics g,
                     Window window)
Description copied from class: Component
Paints this component.

The default implementation calls Component.paintChilds(Graphics, Window).
An implementation should call Component.paintChilds(Graphics, Window) once (if the component is a container).

The graphics object was previously transformed to the current x and y, and the clip was setted according to this component width and height.

paint in class Component
g - the graphics to draw the component into
window - the window caller

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