acceptsFocus() - Method in class mwt.Component
Checks if this component accepts focus.
add(Component) - Method in class mwt.Component
Appends the given component as a child.
add(Component, int) - Method in class mwt.Component
Appends a child component at the given position.
ALIGN_BOTTOM_CENTER - Static variable in class mwt.Component
Constant for component/text alignment.
ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT - Static variable in class mwt.Component
Constant for component/text alignment.
ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT - Static variable in class mwt.Component
Constant for component/text alignment.
ALIGN_MIDDLE_CENTER - Static variable in class mwt.Component
Constant for component/text alignment.
ALIGN_MIDDLE_LEFT - Static variable in class mwt.Component
Constant for component/text alignment.
ALIGN_MIDDLE_RIGHT - Static variable in class mwt.Component
Constant for component/text alignment.
ALIGN_TOP_CENTER - Static variable in class mwt.Component
Constant for component/text alignment.
ALIGN_TOP_LEFT - Static variable in class mwt.Component
Constant for component/text alignment.
ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT - Static variable in class mwt.Component
Constant for component/text alignment.
alphaPrepare(Image) - Static method in class mwt.midp2.ImageUtil
Fills the given mutable image with the mask color (bright pink).
alphaProcess(Image) - Static method in class mwt.midp2.ImageUtil
Creates a new immutable image processing the given image pixels with alphaProcess(int[]).
alphaProcess(int[]) - Static method in class mwt.midp2.ImageUtil
Proccesses the bright pink color intensities as alpha channel values.


Button - Class in mwt
A button is a component that can cause an action to happen when is pushed.
Button(int, int, int, int, String, EventListener, int) - Constructor for class mwt.Button
Creates a new button at the given position and size


click() - Method in class mwt.Button
Performs a "click" programmatically.
clone() - Method in class mwt.Font
Gets a clone of this font.
clone() - Method in class mwt.Skin
Gets a clone of this skin.
Component - Class in mwt
A component is an object having a graphical representation that can be displayed on the screen (canvas) and can interact with the user.
Component(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class mwt.Component
Creates a new component with the given position and size.
copy(Font) - Method in class mwt.Font
Copies this font into the given font.
copy(Skin) - Method in class mwt.Skin
Copies this skin into the given skin.
createBuffer(int, int) - Method in class mwt.midp2.ImageUtil
createBuffer(int, int) - Method in class mwt.Skin
Creates an image that will be used as a buffer.
createSkin(Image[], int) - Static method in class mwt.midp2.ImageUtil
Creates an image skin.


dialogClose() - Method in class mwt.Window
Closes the current dialog.
dialogOpen(Window) - Method in class mwt.Window
Opens the given window as a dialog.
dispatchKey(long) - Method in class mwt.Window
This method is called whenever a key event is not consumed by the focused component.


EVENT_ACTION - Static variable in interface mwt.EventListener
Constant for action event types.
EVENT_UNDEFINED - Static variable in interface mwt.EventListener
Constant for undefined event types.
EventListener - Interface in mwt
An event listener interface defines the method used to dispatch events.


FACE_MONOSPACE - Static variable in class mwt.Font
The "monospace" font face.
FACE_PROPORTIONAL - Static variable in class mwt.Font
The "proportional" font face.
FACE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class mwt.Font
The "system" font face.
FOCUSACTION_FIRE - Static variable in class mwt.Window
Constant returned by Window.getFocusAction(long) to "fire" events.
FOCUSACTION_NEXT - Static variable in class mwt.Window
Constant returned by Window.getFocusAction(long) to request focus next.
FOCUSACTION_NONE - Static variable in class mwt.Window
Constant returned by Window.getFocusAction(long) when there's not action.
FOCUSACTION_PREV - Static variable in class mwt.Window
Constant returned by Window.getFocusAction(long) to request focus previous.
focusGained() - Method in class mwt.Component
Called when this component gains focus.
focusLost() - Method in class mwt.Component
Called when this component loses focus.
Font - Class in mwt
The font class represents fonts, which are used to render text in a visible way.
Font(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class mwt.Font
Creates a system native font.
Font(InputStream, char[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class mwt.Font
Font(Image[], char[], int) - Constructor for class mwt.Font
Creates a font giving the char images and specifying the charset.
Font(Image, char[], int[], int) - Constructor for class mwt.Font
Creates a font-strip.


getActionType() - Method in class mwt.Button
Gets the action type value given when this button was created.
getCharset(char[], int, int) - Method in class mwt.Font
Copies the charset into the given buffer at the current offset.
getCharsetLength() - Method in class mwt.Font
Gets the charset length or -1 if it is not available.
getChild(int) - Method in class mwt.Component
Gets the component at the specified index.
getChild(Component) - Method in class mwt.Component
Gets the index of the specified component.
getChild(String, boolean) - Method in class mwt.Component
Gets the child with the given id.
getChildCount() - Method in class mwt.Component
Gets the number of components currently added.
getColor() - Method in class mwt.Font
Gets the color of the font.
getComponent(int) - Method in class mwt.Component
Deprecated. use Component.getChild(int) instead
getComponentCount() - Method in class mwt.Component
Deprecated. use Component.getChildCount() instead
getComponentIndex(Component) - Method in class mwt.Component
Deprecated. use Component.getChild(Component) instead
getDefaultFont(int) - Static method in class mwt.Button
Gets the default font for the given style.
getDefaultFont(int) - Static method in class mwt.Label
Gets the default font for the given style.
getDefaultSkin(int) - Static method in class mwt.Button
Gets the default skin for the given style.
getDefaultSkin(int) - Static method in class mwt.Window
Gets the default skin for the given style.
getDialog() - Method in class mwt.Window
Gets this window's current dialog.
getFace() - Method in class mwt.Font
Gets the face of the font.
getFocus() - Method in class mwt.Window
Gets the current focused component.
getFocusAction(long) - Method in class mwt.Window
Gets the focus action for the given key.
getFont(int) - Method in class mwt.Button
Gets this button font for the given style.
getFont(int) - Method in class mwt.Label
Gets this label font for the given style.
getHeight() - Method in class mwt.Component
Gets the height of this component, in pixels.
getHeight() - Method in class mwt.Font
Gets the font height.
getId() - Method in class mwt.Component
Gets the id.
getImage() - Method in class mwt.Label
Gets the image, or null if this component is a text label.
getImages(Image[], int, int) - Method in class mwt.Font
Only for Font.TYPE_MAPPED fonts, otherwise throws a RuntimeException Copies the images into the given image array at the current offset.
getKeyState(int) - Method in class mwt.Window
Gets the current key state for the given keycode.
getParent() - Method in class mwt.Component
Gets the parent component container.
getSize() - Method in class mwt.Font
Gets the size of the font.
getSkin(int) - Method in class mwt.Button
Gets this button skin for the given style.
getSkin(int) - Method in class mwt.Window
Gets this window skin for the given style.
getStyle() - Method in class mwt.Font
Gets the style of the font.
getText() - Method in class mwt.Button
Gets this button's text.
getText() - Method in class mwt.Label
Gets this label's text.
getTextAlign() - Method in class mwt.Button
Gets the text align.
getTextAlign() - Method in class mwt.Label
Gets the text align.
getType() - Method in class mwt.Font
Gets the font type: Font.TYPE_MAPPED, Font.TYPE_STRIP or Font.TYPE_SYSTEM
getWidth() - Method in class mwt.Component
Gets the width of this component, in pixels.
getWidth(String) - Method in class mwt.Font
Gets the width for the given string.
getX() - Method in class mwt.Component
Gets the x coordinate of this component within the parent.
getY() - Method in class mwt.Component
Gets the y coordinate of this component within the parent.


imageColor(int[], int) - Static method in class mwt.midp2.ImageUtil
Processes the given pixels applying the given color.
imageColor(Image, int) - Static method in class mwt.midp2.ImageUtil
Creates a new immutable image processing the given image pixels with imageColor(int[], int).
imageResize(int[], int, int) - Static method in class mwt.midp2.ImageUtil
Resize an image rgba raw.
imageResize(Image, int) - Static method in class mwt.midp2.ImageUtil
Like imageResize(int[], int, int) but using an image instead.
ImageUtil - Class in mwt.midp2
An image utility class for MIDP2 devices.
isBitmapFont() - Method in class mwt.Font
Checks if this font is a bitmap font.
isContainer() - Method in class mwt.Component
Checks if this component is a container.
isDoubleBuffered() - Method in class mwt.Component
Checks if this component should be double buffered.
isEnabled() - Method in class mwt.Component
Checks if this component should be enabled when its parent hierarchy is enabled.
isFocusable() - Method in class mwt.Component
Checks if this component is focusable.
isHierarchyEnabled() - Method in class mwt.Component
Checks if this component and its parent hierarchy is enabled.
isHierarchyVisible() - Method in class mwt.Component
Checks if this component and its parent hierarchy is visible.
isVisible() - Method in class mwt.Component
Checks if this component should be visible when its parent hierarchy is visible.


keyEvent(long, Window) - Method in class mwt.Button
keyEvent(long, Window) - Method in class mwt.Component
Processes a key event.
KEYSTATE_PRESSED - Static variable in class mwt.Window
Constant which represents the state of a key when is pressed.
KEYSTATE_RELEASED - Static variable in class mwt.Window
Constant which represents the state of a key when is released.


Label - Class in mwt
A label object is a component for displaying text or an image.
Label(int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class mwt.Label
Creates a new text label.
Label(int, int, Image) - Constructor for class mwt.Label
Creates a new image label.


mwt - package mwt
mwt.midp2 - package mwt.midp2


onClick() - Method in class mwt.Button
Method permormed when the event listener is null.


paint(Graphics, Window) - Method in class mwt.Button
paint(Graphics, Window) - Method in class mwt.Component
Paints this component.
paint(Graphics, Window) - Method in class mwt.Label
paint(Component, Graphics) - Method in class mwt.Skin
Paints a component into the given graphics object.
paint(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class mwt.Skin
Paints this skin into the given graphics object with the given width and height.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class mwt.Window
Paints the window and all its childs components into the given graphics object.
paint(Graphics, Window) - Method in class mwt.Window
paintChilds(Graphics, Window) - Method in class mwt.Component
Paints the childs components into the given graphics object.
processAction() - Method in class mwt.Button
Deprecated. use Button.click() instead
processEvent(int, Component, Object[]) - Method in interface mwt.EventListener
Processes an event.


remove(int) - Method in class mwt.Component
Deprecated. use Component.removeChild(int) instead
removeChild(int) - Method in class mwt.Component
Removes the component at the specified index.
repeatKeys(boolean) - Method in class mwt.Window
Increments the state for all the keys that are not released.


setColor(int) - Method in class mwt.Font
Sets the color of the font if it's not a bitmap font
setDefaultFont(int, Font) - Static method in class mwt.Button
Sets the default font for the given style.
setDefaultFont(int, Font) - Static method in class mwt.Label
Sets the default font for the given style.
setDefaultSkin(int, Skin) - Static method in class mwt.Button
Sets the default skin for the given style.
setDefaultSkin(int, Skin) - Static method in class mwt.Window
Sets the default skin for the given style.
setDoubleBuffered(boolean) - Method in class mwt.Component
Enables or disables the double buffer.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class mwt.Component
Enables or disables this component.
setFace(int) - Method in class mwt.Font
Sets the face of the font.
setFocus(Component) - Method in class mwt.Window
Sets the focus to the given component.
setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class mwt.Component
Enables or disables focusable.
setFocusFirst() - Method in class mwt.Window
Sets the focus to the first component that accepts focus.
setFocusNext() - Method in class mwt.Window
Focus the next component that accepts focus.
setFocusPrevious() - Method in class mwt.Window
Focus the previous component that accepts focus.
setFont(int, Font) - Method in class mwt.Button
Sets this button font for the given style.
setFont(int, Font) - Method in class mwt.Label
Sets this label font for the given style.
setHeight(int) - Method in class mwt.Component
Sets the height of this component, in pixels.
setId(String) - Method in class mwt.Component
Sets the id.
setImage(Image) - Method in class mwt.Label
Sets the image, or null if this component is a text label.
setKeyState(int, int, boolean) - Method in class mwt.Window
Sets the key state for the given key code.
setSize(int) - Method in class mwt.Font
Sets the size of the font if it's not a bitmap font
setSkin(int, Skin) - Method in class mwt.Button
Sets this button skin for the given style.
setSkin(int, Skin) - Method in class mwt.Window
Sets this window skin for the given style.
setStyle(int) - Method in class mwt.Font
Sets the style of the font.
setText(String) - Method in class mwt.Button
Sets this button's text.
setText(String) - Method in class mwt.Label
Sets this label's text.
setTextAlign(int) - Method in class mwt.Button
Sets the text align.
setTextAlign(int) - Method in class mwt.Label
Sets the text align.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class mwt.Component
Shows or hides this component.
setWidth(int) - Method in class mwt.Component
Sets the width of this component, in pixels.
setX(int) - Method in class mwt.Component
Sets the x coordinate of this component within the parent.
setY(int) - Method in class mwt.Component
Sets the y coordinate of this component within the parent.
SIZE_LARGE - Static variable in class mwt.Font
The "large" system-dependent font size.
SIZE_MEDIUM - Static variable in class mwt.Font
The "medium" system-dependent font size.
SIZE_SMALL - Static variable in class mwt.Font
The "small" system-dependent font size.
Skin - Class in mwt
A skin is used to paint regions of different sizes using the same look and feel.
Skin() - Constructor for class mwt.Skin
Creates a "dummy" skin, paint calls are ignored.
Skin(int[]) - Constructor for class mwt.Skin
Creates a "colour rectangle" skin.
Skin(Image[], int) - Constructor for class mwt.Skin
Creates an image skin.
STYLE_BOLD - Static variable in class mwt.Font
The bold style constant.
STYLE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class mwt.Button
Constant value to get/set a skin/font.
STYLE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class mwt.Label
Constant value to get/set a skin/font.
STYLE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class mwt.Window
Constant value to get/set a skin/font.
STYLE_DISABLED - Static variable in class mwt.Button
Constant value to get/set a skin/font.
STYLE_DISABLED - Static variable in class mwt.Label
Constant value to get/set a skin/font.
STYLE_DISABLED - Static variable in class mwt.Window
Constant value to get/set a skin/font.
STYLE_FOCUSED - Static variable in class mwt.Button
Constant value to get/set a skin/font.
STYLE_ITALIC - Static variable in class mwt.Font
The italicized style constant.
STYLE_PLAIN - Static variable in class mwt.Font
The plain style constant.
STYLE_PRESSED - Static variable in class mwt.Button
Constant value to get/set a skin/font.
STYLE_UNDERLINED - Static variable in class mwt.Font
The underlined style constant.


TYPE_MAPPED - Static variable in class mwt.Font
TYPE_STRIP - Static variable in class mwt.Font
TYPE_SYSTEM - Static variable in class mwt.Font


Window - Class in mwt
In MWT the Window class is like a Frame/Form/Shell in other UI frameworks.
Window(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class mwt.Window
Creates a new window with the given position and size.
write(Graphics, String, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class mwt.Font
Writes the string into the given graphics object.
write(Graphics, String, int, int, int) - Method in class mwt.Font
Writes the string into the given graphics object.


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